Creative Coaching For Women

Navigating  life with chronic illness through art

gravel road through a field on the way to your personal life coach
personal life coach smiling at camera on a bridge

Hey there, Creative Soul!

Where did that land in your body?

Did you feel a subtle glow in your heart – oh, that could be me…someday, I hope!

Did you KNOW with an anchoring sensation in your gut – YES that’s me!

Did you squint your eyes and ponder in your mind, CURIOUS to know more?

I hear you, wherever you’re coming from!

creative coaching for millenials

Most of our western experience is aimed at connecting with our left brains (logic, reasoning, intellectualizing). As adults, we have many responsibilities that limit our time and energy for play, experimentation, and creative JOY. Throw a chronic illness (or multiple) in there, and life gets even more challenging.

For me, engaging in creativity and accessing my right brain (imagination, intuition, emotions) helps me express my human experience, including my journey with chronic illness, in healthy and productive ways.

creative coaching for women & lgtbq
personal life coaching
thought catalog self care

As a Creative Life Coach, I am here to provide you with β€œfield guides” to help you facilitate your own unique Flourishing Pathways.

coaching for women

Need a little assistance in accessing your intuition, creativity, & playfulness?

I integrate my values through creative life coaching:

I believe that we are ALL creative beings. However, some of us may have had some social conditioning to tell us otherwise. I am here to guide you on your own path of creativity.


Developing Flourishing Pathways has been a journey in itself for me to access my own authenticity, and I am passionate about helping others really tune into their authenticity as well! This work lights me up!


It’s difficult to be authentic if you don’t accept yourself. It’s difficult to accept yourself if you barely know yourself. I design coursework to help you to strengthen your relationship with yourself, building more self-trust and confidence.


I believe that we all have skills & perspectives that we are meant to share with each other that help us all as a collective community. I believe that I am being called to share the tools that have helped me so much on my own journey of chronic illness recovery, inner child nurturing, intuitive flow, and creative JOY…especially with others who have experienced chronic illness, which leads me to:


I believe we are all interconnected, that we can all offer support to one another, and that we’re meant to support each other.


We are not just a body walking around with a left brain, pulling levers all day to accomplish our tasks. We are a WHOLE interconnected being.


creative coaching for lgtbq+

"Rachel has deep, innate wisdom and sensitivity when it comes to authentic self-expression. Her programs go to the root of what is essential for mind, body and spirit."

 Susie Stonefield, transformative creativity coach, Unfold Art